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What is Reflexology?

Much more than a simple massage, a clinical reflexology treatment is a therapeutic practice based on the fact that each area of ​​feet, face, ears and hands refers to a part of the body. The goal of reflexology is to facilitate and accelerate self-regulation and homeostasis, the body's self-healing power, acting on both the mind and the body.

If offers many benefits such as (non-exhaustive list):

  • Release stress and nervous tension, reduce anxiety and negative emotions,

  • Fight against behavioral and mood disorders (hyperemotionality, irritability, hyperactivity, depression, etc.),

  • Fight against insomnia,

  • Fight against headaches and migraines,

  • Relieve muscle pain and particularly back pain,

  • Fight against digestive disorders (spasmodic constipation, gastritis, etc.)

  • Fight against respiratory disorders,

  • Fight against disorders of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, hypertension, etc.),

  • Fight against disorders relating to the hormonal system (premenstrual syndrome, menopause, thyroid problems, etc.),

  • Fight against skin disorders (eczema, acne, psoriasis, etc.),

  • Improve blood circulation, activate the lymphatic system and drain toxins…

However, reflexology should complement, not replace, medical treatment for serious conditions.

To get a better idea what reflexology looks like, feel free to watch the video of AOR beside.

Reflexology is an excellent complement to traditional medicine, but it does not dispense with a medical consultation and under no circumstances, replaces it. Reflexology does not establish a diagnosis, does not prescribe or stops medical treatment

It is sometimes necessary to have a number of sessions close together to feel the desired benefits. The sessions will be spaced out as the general condition improves.

For reflexology, you do not need to get undressed. You just need to be on your bare foot for feet reflexology.

Reflexology is not suitable for you if you have any of the following conditions:

Total contraindications

  • Thrombosis / DVT    

  • Unstable heart condition       

  • Imminent medical Test

  • Drugs or alcohol (under influence) 

  • Undergoing active radiotherapy

  • Contagious or notifiable diseases    


Local contraindication  

  • Phlebitis / Cellulitis           

  • Varicose Veins severe

  • Verrucae and Warts

  • Injury to feet

Feet Reflexology Chart

Feet chart reflexology AoR

Hand Reflexology Chart

Hand chart reflexology AoR
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