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Reflex'O Papillon
Mobile Clinical Reflexology
Bangor NI and surrounding areas
from £10
Ear seeding
Upgrade your reflexology treatment and level up your relaxation by including one of these luxurious add-ons to further relax your mind, body and spirit during your treatment and to increase the clinical benefits.
You can also combine the add-ons, taking advantage of the soothing benefits of essential oils, the clinical effect of the ear seeds and the subtle energies and impact of hot & cold stones.
We offer them for a deeper enhanced experience targeting balance and relaxation, calming the senses, relax muscle tension and promote a meditative state.
The aim is to help the body to relax at its deepest level, creating harmony and balance.
Aromatherapy package or bespoke balm package
For foot and hand reflexology only
Any pack includes:
- Specific balm: aromatherapy balm (with bespoke essential oils), CBD balm or Vegan balm
- Essential oils diffusion
- Final hot towel wrap. To reach the peak of relaxation, we will wrap your feet or your hand with a hot towel at the end of the treatment in which relevant essential oils will be added.
(Not suitable for pregnancy treatment or people allergic to essential oils)

Reflexology rate + £10
Duration + 10 minutes
Made up mainly of “fine” molecules, essential oils easily penetrate the body, taking a few minutes to pass into the bloodstream though the skin, letting their active ingredients quickly reach the targeted organs.
Also, their aroma is transmitted to the brain in the form of nerve impulses and some of them can offer psychological reactions, such as relaxation.
CBD balm

Reflexology rate + £10
Duration + 10 minutes
Though we are just at the beginning when it comes to understanding their full potential, cannabinoids have already proven immensely powerful in applications related to wellness, physical therapy, and alternative medicine.
CBD, one of the active compounds is know for its relaxing effect, helping with sleep and anxiety*.
It is a powerful analgesic and is considered as a very effective natural supplements to promote pain relief. and to help for people suffering from conditions like restless leg syndrome, IBS, or arthritis...
Used with therapeutic applications, CBD can helps with sleeping, especially for people suffering from chronic pains and conditions like restless leg syndrome, IBS, or arthritis...
Vegan balm

Reflexology rate + £10
Duration + 10 minutes
Utilisation of Songbird Vegan Reflexology Waxes which offer a plant-based alternative to general beeswax-based formula. 100% natural and fully certified by the Vegan Society.
Ear seeding
For foot, hand or facial reflexology
With more than 120 acupuncture points and different reflex zones, the entire body is represented with the ear. It is therefore possible to treat disorders remotely. So the placement of seeds after your treatment on points which are relevant to your needs, will allow the results to be prolonged and the balance process to continue at home.
The seeds usually stay in place for three or four days, then come off themselves. You can remove them at any time.
To make the most of the technique, ensure that you press them 3 to 5 times a day, stimulating the points.
This add-on consists of an assessment of the ear using a retractible probe, then the placement of 2 to 4 seeds or magnets in specific points. For the first session, I will use tiny seeds of the Vaccaria plant. For the next one, I could use Gold or Silver magnetic pellets, adding an energising or calming effects.
Ear seeds are NOT needles! This is not accupuncture but acupressure.
Please, notice this service is already included in the Auricular Reflexology treatment.

Ear Seeding

Reflexology rate + £15
Duration + 15 minutes
Ear seeding is safe, simple and quick. It is amazingly effective at helping you in between treatments:
improves the circulation and lymphatic system
stimulates the brain and nervous system
balances the body
helps with pain relief and control
is relaxing and energising
is fast acting and long lasting
Hot / Cold stones
For foot, hand or face reflexology
Allow yourself an additional benefit to the reflexology treatment, and increase the efficacy of it, by getting a Basalt smooth heated stone massage on you feet/lower legs, on your hand/arm or on your face.
Complete the relaxation and the therapy by a contrast hot / cold, with marble stones.
(Not suitable for pregnancy treatment)
Hot stones

Reflexology rate + £20
Duration + 15 minutes
By warming the muscles, the warm stones will help to bring your body to experience a deeper state of relaxation, reducing the tension.
With a vasodilatation effect, it also helps to improve blood and lymphatic circulation. It helps to delocalize and eliminate toxins, restore and strengthen the immune system, and helps with relieving chronic pain.
It also invites to reconnect with the ground and facilitate anchoring.
Hot and cold stones Contrast therapy

Reflexology rate + £25
Duration + 20 minutes