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Reflex'O Papillon
Mobile Clinical Reflexology
Bangor NI and surrounding areas

Palliative Care Reflexology
Palliative care is for anyone who has a life limiting condition such MND, MS, Cerebral Palsy, end stage renal failure, end stage COPD for example. It is also largely considered in situation of patients suffering with Cancer.
Comfort and supportive care, including reflexology, are now part of the “tools” doctors offer to patients.
Indeed, reflexology can help to better tolerate treatments and reduce the side effects of chemo, radiotherapy and other treatments. Also reflexology helps with reduction of anxiety, reduction of stress, reduction of body pain, improvement of sleep, which are some of the benefits experienced.
Reflexology is already available on the NHS, in particular within hospitals, at cancer units*, for supporting people with cancer and sometimes also their family or carers.
*For example; Richard Dimbleby Unit, St Thomas’s Hospital, London, the Beacon Centre at Musgrove Park, Taunton, Somerset, and at the Fountain Centre, Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford.
The duration and frequency of palliative care reflexology treatments depend of the situation of the person. The sessions are generally between 20 ans 50 minutes.
Please contact me for more information.